Ministry Team
Lead Pastor
Kyle trusted in Jesus for salvation at a young age, being raised in the faith and attending Calvary Chapel his whole life. He began serving at church as a young teen, in worship ministry, missions, and with children and youth.
While in his early 20s, the Lord opened the door for him to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College. After graduating, he, along with his wife Heather, moved to Swansea, Wales, to assist with a Calvary Chapel church plant. Serving there two years, the Lord brought them home to California with their firstborn son. After being back in the States for a short time and having another son, Kyle and Heather felt the Lord leading them to North Carolina in 2010.
Living in the Raleigh area and serving at Calvary Chapel Clayton, the Lord again moved them to Winston-Salem to serve at Calvary Chapel Fellowship as worship leader and assistant pastor.
Pastor Gregg Griffith passed the lead pastor role to Kyle in 2025. Serving now as lead pastor Kyle has a heart to see the church built up in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and equipped for the work of the ministry; to see Winston-Salem and beyond impacted with the news that Jesus changes everything.
Email: kyle@ccfwinstonsalem.com
Pastor Gregg is the founding Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fellowship. He and his wife Cathy moved from California starting the fellowship in 2010. Pastor Gregg passed the lead role to Kyle in 2025 and continues to serve the church in various areas of ministry. -
Heather Vaughn
- Women’s Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
Patrick & Lori Johnson
- Youth Ministries
- Operation Christmas Child
Darin & Jo Charter
- The Gathering — Young Adults Ministry
- Bread of Life — Food Distribution
- The Gathering — Young Adults Ministry
Randy Melton
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Safety
- Ushers
Hector Hernandez
- Spanish Translation
Carolyn Harrison
- Clothes Closet
- Hospitality/Cafe
- Church Cleaning
Chris Powers
- Sound & Media
- Sound & Media